Professional Development Opportunities

The Community Foundation offers several opportunities, some annual, for professional advisors to learn and gain tools needed to further charitable giving.
Each fall, The Community Foundation hosts its annual Professional Advisor seminar. With different speakers focusing on varying topics each year, the morning is guaranteed to enhance your charitable knowledge base as well as earn credit hours.
The Community Foundation is pleased to offer a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy study group. The CAP course is hosted through the American College. Advisors who enroll meet bimonthly to discuss assignments and prepare for upcoming exams.
"The Community Foundation is a class outfit. It provides a cheery atmosphere for all individuals who come to their office. They are pleasant, helpful and willing to do whatever they can for every individual who comes through their door."
— John Koehler, J.D., Of Counsel, Eastman & Smith Ltd.

The Community Foundation holds an annual Investment Briefing to update the community about our investment strategy and to introduce our investment consultant and the committee who guides investment decisions.