Handbags That Help

HTH Members 2024
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Women gather. Women give. Women change.

Hosted by The Community Foundation, Handbags That Help is a women’s giving circle dedicated to building strong families and increasing philanthropy in Hancock County. HTH collectively funds significant grants to charitable projects and programs in our community. HTH is a group of 140 women who pool their dollars, decide together where to give the money, and learn together about their community and philanthropy.

Interested? Download our brochure below or Join Now.

How We Give

  • Members contribute $500 for an annual membership either individually or as a team of two.
  • The money is pooled together to give a total amount to grant.
  • A grants committee is formed and evaluates worthy projects, which they then submit to the membership for a vote.
  • HTH does not limit its grant making to women’s causes, but looks for:
    • Responses to urgent and critical need
    • Bold new ventures
    • New approaches to problems
  • Every dollar collected through membership contributions is granted every year.

Total Granted Since 2008: $726,322

Giving Wisely

HTH is committed to providing its members with the skills and knowledge needed to make wise social investments. To this end, HTH organizes educational programs covering a variety of topics related to philanthropy.

HTH educates, inspires, and increases the number of women committed to philanthropy in order to strengthen community and demonstrate the impact that can result from informed, focused grant making.

Giving With Guidance

The Guiding Circle is the executive committee that governs HTH. It consists of eight members:

  • Chair: Lisa Vick
  • Vice Chair: Stacy Shaw
  • Treasurer: Ginger Jones
  • Secretary: Katie Hite
  • Communications Chair: Laurie Poland
  • Member At-Large: Kim Kogan
  • Grants Sub-Circle Chair: Jennifer Stamper
  • Program Sub-Circle Chair: Amanda Stallman
  • Community Foundation Support Staff: Rachel Gerber

If you would like to connect with someone on the Guiding Circle, please email handbags@handbagsthathelp.com

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