Professional Services Assistance Program

What is the Professional Services Assistance Program?
Community Foundation staff have noticed an increased need locally for professional services in specific areas (crisis communications, legal, and information technology). Unfortunately, these needs can emerge quickly and unexpectedly, leaving nonprofits ill-prepared to handle them.
To address this need, The Community Foundation’s Board has approved a pilot strategy called the Professional Services Assistance Program. The program's goal is to assist and stabilize nonprofits in crisis circumstances.
Examples include billable hours for a consultation with a lawyer, a communication specialist, or consultation services in the area of technology. Technology assistance could include consultation in a cyber security/malware situation or in a server/technology failure.
Nonprofits are limited to one request for this assistance grant program. The Community Foundation will pay the amount approved directly to the selected vendor.
What types of services would be funded?
Nonprofit leaders can apply for:
- Up to $1,000 for legal and crisis communication support; or
- Up to $2,000 for information technology support in emergency situations.
Examples include billable hours for a consultation with a lawyer, a communication specialist, or consultation services in the area of technology. Technology assistance could include consultation in a cyber security/malware situation or in a server/technology failure.
How are the service vendors selected?
The Community Foundation will provide a list of possible communications, legal, and information technology professionals. If the Community Foundation does not have the chosen provider in our system, the nonprofit will need to submit a W-9 and any additional information needed to process the payment.
How do I apply?
Contact Cassie Turner or Kimberly Bash to discuss the circumstances. If appropriate, staff will provide a brief application form for the request. Staff will review the request and respond within two business days.
Additional Information
Contact Cassie Turner at The Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation by email or at (419) 425-1100.