Loving Our Community: A Legacy of Commitment

As the president of The Community Foundation, I have the privilege of witnessing the extraordinary generosity and passion our residents hold for Hancock County. It's truly inspiring to see how individuals, families, organizations and corporations come together to improve the quality of life for all in the community. This spirit of giving back is at the heart of everything we do at the Foundation.
Our community's story has been written by many of these generous people who desire to build a brighter future. For over 30 years, thousands of people have partnered with us to express their love for Hancock County. From the pioneering support of many local corporations that helped establish the Foundation to the enduring legacy of individuals like Chuck and Mariann Younger, the Arlington School Foundation, and many others. These contributions, and thousands of others, are part of a story of commitment and a shared vision for our community's well-being.
What unites these distinct groups of donors, whether a corporation, a nonprofit, a family, or an individual, is passion for their community. They recognize that their gifts can address immediate needs and position the community well for needs that may emerge in the future. At the Foundation, we understand the importance of this long-term vision. We're here to help anyone, regardless of background or resources, create a legacy of love. Whether your passion lies in supporting a particular cause or ensuring the future of a beloved nonprofit, we can help you create a plan that reflects your values and makes a meaningful difference.
Love of one’s community can be shown in countless ways. At the Foundation, we facilitate the financial aspect of giving, whether establishing a new fund, contributing to an existing one or including the Foundation in an estate plan. However, love for one’s community is also expressed through acts of service, kindness, and simply being there for one another. It's the neighbor who organizes a block party to foster connections, the local business owner who sponsors a youth sports team, the retiree who volunteers at their favorite nonprofit, or the student who learns about the needs of others. It's simply offering a smile, a helping hand, or a listening ear. It's about creating a future for Hancock County where everyone feels valued and supported.
Our community is at its best when we work together. Every act of love, no matter how small, brings us closer and creates a more vibrant and compassionate place to live. The Community Foundation is committed to helping you leave a legacy that lasts forever and will continue to enrich our community for generations. We invite you to join us; together, we can build a future we’re all proud of.
This editorial was originally printed in The Courier on February 13, 2025.