James W. Baughman (Mr. B) Van Buren Scholarship
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Established 2023
This scholarship was established by Danny N. Baughman and Judy K. Correll in memory of their brother, Jim.
Jim Baughman was known as Mr. B during his 30-year teaching career at Van Buren High School. Mr. B taught shop, photography and printing. He help with musicals, the school newsletter and many other projects. He purchased and maintained the audiovisual equipment. After retiring, Jim worked for Findlay Publishing Co. for 16 years in the printing division where he did screen printing and embroidery.
Outside of work, Jim was a 39-year scoutmaster for Boy Scout Van Buren Troop 313. He and his troop attended Philmont Scout Ranch on six occasions and attended the Double H Scout Ranch, as well as many summer trips to numerous states. In 1997 he was Scoutmaster for the council contingent troop for the National Jamboree and on staff there for three other Jamborees. In scouting, Jim was awarded many honors. including the Order of the Arrow Vigil Honor, the Wood Badge, the Silver Beaver Award, and the Hall of Leadership Award in 2010. He helped 49 scouts obtain the Eagle Rank. He and his troop planned and oversaw the construction of the Eugene Ensman Shelter House in the Village Square of Van Buren, which was rededicated as the James Baughman Pavilion in 2022. They also oversaw the construction of the Heminger Shelter House at Allen Township Center. The troop supervised the proper burning of approximately 32,950 American Flags. Jim planned and supervised the annual Memorial Day program for the Van Buren community since 1971.
Jim was a member of the Victorian Christmas Dinner Committee, which raises money for the Hancock Historical Museum. He performed the role of Butler for many dinners and make many of the savories served at the dinners. He served as treasurer and baker for the Hancock County Retired Teachers Association.
August 7, 2022 was proclaimed James Willis Baughman Day by Van Buren Mayor Edward May for his long-standing service to Van Buren and Its citizens.
Standards for Determining Eligibility
- Standards for Determining Eligibility forthcoming.