Pat Wagner Memorial Scholarship Fund

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The Pat Wagner Memorial Scholarship was established by former students, friends and family of the late, Pat Wagner. Pat was a 1967 graduate of Arlington High School who graduated from Bluffton College and Miami University. He married Barbara Steinman in 1972 and they had 4 children, Scott, Sara, Jennifer and Kyle.

Pat taught at Spencerville, Sheridan High School in Perry County, Berne Union, and Liberty-Benton. He spent 42 years teaching physical education and coaching. Pat was highly successful in his coaching career, earning state championships in girls cross country in ’84, ’85, ’86 and ’96 as well as state runner-up in track in ‘96. In addition Pat earned several State awards including State Honored Coach of the Year. He was elected to the Ohio Association of Track/Cross Country Coaches Hall of Fame and was also inducted into the Hancock County Sports Hall of Fame. Coach Wagner further earned the Ohio Association of USA Track and Field Achievement Award. This fund was established with the proceeds of the Pat Wagner Memorial 5K in honor of Pat and in order to help high school seniors from Arlington or Liberty Benton High School pursue a college education.

Standards for Determining Eligibility

  • The applicant must plan to be a full time student enrolled at an accredited two or four year college, university or technical school.
  • The applicant must be a graduating senior of Arlington or Liberty Benton High School or a home schooled or online student who resides in one of these districts.
  • The applicant must have maintained a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA in high school.
  • The applicant must be able to demonstrate participation in Community/Volunteer Service.
  • The applicant must have received a varsity letter in Track and Field and/or Cross Country.
  • Applicant must be a resident of the United States of America.
  • Financial need may be a consideration.