Arlington School Foundation LouAnn Cousino Honorary Fund for Music and Arts
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Established 2024
“Music gets through to people like nothing else can,” LouAnn Cousino.
LouAnn Cousino grew up in Toledo and began playing piano at 10. Her piano teacher urged her to study organ at Mary Manse College when she was 14. Always one for unique opportunities, LouAnn obliged.
After high school, LouAnn attended Miami University, majoring in elementary and special education. She also studied organ there and became the campus chapel organist. Post-graduation, she played at various churches in Oxford, Toledo and Elgin, Illinois, where she and her husband Roy moved. When they moved back to Ohio in 1973, LouAnn learned of the opening for an organist at Good Hope Lutheran Church. She was hired there and continued to play for 50 years until her retirement in October 2024.
She taught special education and fourth grade at Arcadia Local Schools and retired after 20 years. In addition to playing at church, LouAnn often performed in school musical programs at Arcadia and Cory-Rawson and played in nursing homes.
Good Hope Lutheran Church established this fund in honor of LouAnn's retirement. The fund will improve students' educational opportunities and experiences in Arlington Local Schools' music and arts programs.