David S. and Susan M. Healy Fund
Type: Designated
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Established 2000 Dave and Suzi Healy have chosen to support TCF by making a significant contribution to the Administrative Fund. As a TCF trustee, Dave recognizes the importance of keeping administrative costs low for our donors, while still supporting operating expenses as TCF grows. Since moving to Findlay in 1967, Dave and Suzi have been active in First Presbyterian Church and many community organizations. Dave is retired from Spencer Paterson Insurance and Suzi manages her own business, Doncaster by Suzi. Suzi says, "I am thankful to have been a part of Findlay and to be able to share my financial rewards, as others have before me." Suzi carries on the tradition of philanthropy, as her parents George and Helen Koepke established one of our Unrestricted Funds. The Healys have three adult children.