Dick and Jane McCleary Fund for Homeless and Foster Youth

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Dick and Jane McCleary Fund for Homeless and Foster Youth

Established 2024

“Children have incredible potential, and with the right support and guidance from a caring individual, they can truly thrive. Sometimes, all it takes is one positive experience and someone who believes in them to make a lasting difference in their lives. Our fund aims to provide financial support to help young individuals take their first steps into adulthood.” Jane McCleary

Richard and Jane McCleary were both born in Sandusky County and graduated from Clyde High School. Each went on to receive their bachelor’s degree from the University of Findlay. The high school sweethearts married in 1969 and were married for 53 years until Dick’s passing in 2022. They have a daughter, Beckie, and her husband, Bart Rader, and two grandsons, Brayton and Blaine.

Dick retired as sales manager from Acme Beverage. He was a member of the Elks and Amvets. He enjoyed watching many sports but was an avid fan of the Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Indians, Ohio State Buckeyes and NASCAR. He enjoyed entertaining guests, spending time on Lake Erie, and giving treats to all the dogs who walked by his house.

Jane went on to receive her master’s degree in Supervision and Administration from the University of Dayton. She taught at Cory-Rawson Elementary and Middle Schools and worked at the Hancock County Educational Service Center. She’s served on boards for Big Brothers Big Sisters, Blanchard River Watershed Partnership, Hancock Literacy and Handbags That Help.

Jane is passionate about youth, having worked with kids for 29 years. This fund, established by Jane, will support homeless youth or youth transitioning out of foster care to improve their well-being.