Family Center Forever Fund
Type: Designated
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In 2006, The Community Foundation opened the doors of The Family Center . This unique facility is one of only a few in the country . It provides a safe, secure and well-maintained space for nonprofit agencies, allowing them the freedom and resources to focus on mission-driven work . The idea for The Family Center first came about while plans were being made for the Foundation's 10th Anniversary and as a result of listening to the needs of our community . As stewards of our donors' dollars, careful planning and collaboration with RCM Architects took place over the next few years before the doors opened in 2006 . We are proud of The Family Center's beginnings and what it has become . Currently home to 13 thriving nonprofit agencies, it is a place of empathy, healing and commitment to the people of our community . Established in honor of The Family Center's 10th birthday, this fund will assure The Family Center is maintained as a safe and efficient workplace for our community's nonprofit agencies to fulfill their missions now and forever .