Judy D. Sink Fund for the Marathon Center for the Performing Arts
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Estalbished 2017
Wayne and Judy (Hartman) Sink were lifelong members of the Arlington community. Their daughter Tami created a memorial fund for each of them in 2017. Wayne graduated from Arlington in 1956. In high school, he was involved in chorus as well as athletics. He played baseball, basketball and was quarterback of the 1955 championship football team. He went on to the Columbus College of Business. After graduation, he worked his entire career at Marathon Oil Company before he retired in 1994. Outside of work, he was a member of the Lion's Club and the Marathon golf league. He spent many hours working in his father's orchard. He enjoyed gardening, riding his bicycle and taking drives in his cars. As a longtime supporter of Arlington Athletics the purpose of the R. Wayne Sink Memorial Scholarship fund is to assist a male athlete graduating from Arlington High School. This fund is a part of the Arlington School Foundation. Judy was a 1957 Arlington graduate. She was also involved in chorus and twirling as head majorette. She won numerous twirling awards as well as several individual and ensemble choir contest awards. Judy sang in Good Hope Lutheran Church's choir for over 40 years, participating in a number of weddings and funerals. She was also active in Arlington's Community Chorus. Some of her favorite things were her cats, sipping black coffee on the patio, the beach, needlework, and shopping with her daughter. In honor of Judy's passion for choir and vocal performance, the Judy D. Sink Fund for the Marathon Center for the Performing Arts was created to help foster the arts in Hancock County.