L. Dale Dorney Fund
Type: Common Good
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Established 1976; Revised 1999
L. Dale Dorney is our community's father of philanthropy. Through his will in 1976, Dale established the Dorney Fund, a trust of the Cleveland Foundation. Forty-five percent of the proceeds of the fund was dedicated to benefit the residents of Hancock County and 55 percent to promote business education programs in the state of Ohio. TCF was established to complement and work cooperatively with the Dorney Fund. In 1999, when TCF became independent from The Cleveland Foundation, the assets designated for Hancock County were returned to our community and a fund was esablished to honor Mr. Dorney. The Dorney Legacy Society was created to allow currrent residents fo Hancock County to follow Dorney's example of making a testamentary gift to our community. L.Dale Dorney 1886-1976